제가 예전에 올린 360*180 VR 파노라마 사진 촬영방법이라는 글을 보시면 아시겠지만, VR 파노라마를 정확하게 촬영하려면 로테이터와 삼각대가 거의 필수적입니다.
로테이터는 사실 부피와 무게가 별로 나가지 않지만, 로테이터를 쓰려면 아주 튼튼한 삼각대가 필요하고, 따라서 장비를 모두 가지고 가려면 부피와 무게가 장난이 아니게 됩니다.
그래서... 포기를 했습니다. 좀 어긋나는 경우가 발생하더라도 그냥 도전해 보기로 했습니다. 물론 떠나기 전에 미리 테스트도 해 봤습니다. 아래가 그 사진으로, 서울대학교 정문 옆에 있는 미술관입니다.
Musium of Art, Seoul National University in Korea
자세히 들여다 보시면 레일 부분이 약간 어긋나 있을 겁니다. 그렇지만, 전체적으로 보았을 때는 그다지 문제가 없어, 이정도면 손으로도 충분히 촬영할 수 있겠다... 생각되었죠.
그런데, 그럭저럭 잘 나온 것들도 꽤 되지만, 엉망이 된 것이 더 많았습니다. 총 VR 파노라마 촬영한 것이 20장 정도 되는데, 그중에서 7장 건졌으니까요.
아래는 그중에서 제일 최악의 사진입니다. 제가 묵었던 벨라지오 호텔 로비를 찍은 것데, 비어있는 곳도 있을 뿐 더러, 여기저기 끊어진 것은 기본이고, 사람들이 있는 곳을 보면 유령과 좀비들이 난무합니다. ㅠㅠ
Dsc 5768 Panorama Enblend in Las Vegas
이런 현상이 나타나는 이유는 예전에 올린 글에서 설명드린 것처럼, 손으로 촬영하면 노달포인트(nodal point, 가장 초점)을 정확히 유지하면서 촬영하기 힘들기 때문입니다. 물론 사람들이 이동을 하는 문제도 있지만, 대부분의 경우엔 소프트웨어적으로 많이 해결되기 때문에 그다지 문제가 안됩니다.
특히, 이런 현상은 피사체가 가까운 경우에 많이 발생합니다. 카메라 위치가 약간만 달라져도 위치가 많이 어그러지기 때문입니다. 아래는 또다른 예입니다. 그랜드 캐년을 잡은 건데, 약간 아래쪽으로 돌려보면, 손잡이 쇠막대가 몇개로 나눠져 있습니다.
Hopi Point, Grand Cannyon in USA
그래도... 꽤 괜찮은 사진들도 있습니다. 아래는 데스밸리(Death Valley)에서 황금의 계곡(Golden Cannyon)이라는 트레일에서 촬영한 사진입니다. 10000*5000 이상되는 사진이므로, FullScreen으로 보시면 좋은데, 정말 바위들이 형형색색, 기기묘묘~~ 정말 이쁩니다.
Golden Cannyon, Death Valley in USA
아래도 꽤 깨끗하게 촬영된 예입니다. 그랜드 캐년의 이스트림(East Rim)에 있는 Grand Point View라는 곳입니다.
Grand View Point, Grand Cannyon in USA
그나마 이처럼 깨끗하게 촬영된 것은 제가 Nikkor 10.5mm 어안렌즈를 사용했기 때문일 겁니다. 수평방향으로 6장, 45도 상향방향으로 3장 등 총 9장만으로도 촬영할 수 있고, 화각이 넓어서 노달포인트 불일치 문제가 일반 카메라보다 적기 때문이라는 뜻입니다.
하여튼... 그래도 이번에 삼각대와 로테이터 없이 360*180도 VR 파노라마를 촬영해 보니, 조금만 주의하면 좀 더 잘 찍을 수 있겠다... 하는 자신감이 생겼습니다. 물론 가능하면 로테이터를 지참해서 촬영해야겠지만요.
마지막으로... 제가 이제까지 촬영한 VR 파노라마 사진은 360cities.net의 제 사진 목록에 들어가시면 전부 보실 수 있습니다. 이제까지 총 24장이네요.
민, 푸른하늘
2009/01/27 - 블로그에 360*180 파노라마 사진 삽입하기
2009/02/01 - 구글어스로 파노라마사진 만들기
2009/02/01 - 360*180 파노라마 사진을 360cities.net에 올리는 방법
2009/02/24 - HDR(하이 다이내믹 레인지) 사진 제작 방법
2009/03/01 - 두번째 지오캐싱과 VR 파노라마 사진
2009/03/02 - 입체사진 제작 방법
2009/03/03 - 360*180도 VR 파노라마 촬영방법
2009/02/01 - 구글어스로 파노라마사진 만들기
2009/02/01 - 360*180 파노라마 사진을 360cities.net에 올리는 방법
2009/02/24 - HDR(하이 다이내믹 레인지) 사진 제작 방법
2009/03/01 - 두번째 지오캐싱과 VR 파노라마 사진
2009/03/02 - 입체사진 제작 방법
2009/03/03 - 360*180도 VR 파노라마 촬영방법
음... 저도 일단 테스트를 해봐야겠어요. 항상 고맙습니다ㅎ
답글삭제@지리너머 - 2009/04/16 22:35
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답글삭제Just saying hello while I read through the posts
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답글삭제Many women love the UGG boots, there are comfortable, warm, elegant, stylish and practical. In the winter, these boots will keep feet extremely warm when the weather outside is cold.
답글삭제When we decide to buy those boots, we will found there are so many choice, the style with Classic, Knit, Fashion and Weather, the material with sheepskin and cashmere. Here are the things to look out to help you make the decision.
1. The UGG Classic boots are always your first choice.
The best selling and most popular boots are UGG5815, UGG5825 and UGG5803, those boots are the legendary "UGG Classic". The UGG Classic are endure look, there are popular for a long time, like classic pattern of Converse and Jean, these boots will be long remembered and never disappeared, no matter how times change.
2. Choose different boots in different season.
The UGG Classic Cardy is made by cashmere, it's fit for wearing in spring, other boots made by sheepskin are more warmer, They may be better for the cold winter. and the comfortable, easy-going knit boots are made of soft, breathable wool blend year round wear. Light weight outsole slot in sunny beach, to the street or ice stability, soft sheepskin offers a comfortable environment, in the summer and winter.
3. Select the best Color for you.
There are several advices for the color selection.
1) The chestnut is looks more beautiful then grey. you always use dark ugg color for winter season.if you want tall UGG boots then I will prefer you to purchase chestnut as they are also prettier.
2) Ask your friends around you and get one, it's so simple. They have a classic range to select from. Check them out at UGG australia first and then get them from the
store available in your city.
3) The chestnut and black shoes available in all sizes at UGG boots. Especially the new chestnut and ugg color are lovely and go with about every style and outfit.
4. Who wear?
For men, men often go out for work frequently,therefore if you bought a cozy ugg boots for your husband,they might think this discount ugg boots would be a support of you. Why not express your love to him by a pair of men ugg boots,such as ugg slippers,or bailey button ugg boots......
For women, unlike men,ugg boots for women have a lot of style,such as ugg bailey button boots,ugg cardy boots,often cheap on sale ugg boots design for women. If you prefer a lace-up women's ugg boots on sale make your ugg boots Australia little different with others discount ugg boots,there are variety ugg boots color for your choose,black ugg classic cardy,grey ugg mayfaire.
For kids,Children are the core of the family,in badly condition ugg boots can benefit children more,ugg bailey button kids is a good option to show your care to you kids.ugg kids boots,if your child is a active on in winter.
4. Buy from where?
I don't think the office UGG Australia is best choice where you get your boots, they are too expensive, many other store
will have discount for this boots, how ever, when you type "UGG" in Google search, you will find thousands of online web shops sell UGG boots, most them may be fake, if you are good luck, may be you can get your original UGG boots with a low price.
5. Summary
I also a big fan of UGG boots, I wish every UGG buyer will enjoy these boots.
The information on this site is for informational purposes only. I am in no way connected with UGG Australia and can not be help responsible for any purchases made on the basis of this information.
You also can get this article at:www.ugg-boots-sales..
Many women love the UGG boots, there are comfortable, warm, elegant, stylish and practical. In the winter, these boots will keep feet extremely warm when the weather outside is cold.
답글삭제When we decide to buy those boots, we will found there are so many choice, the style with Classic, Knit, Fashion and Weather, the material with sheepskin and cashmere. Here are the things to look out to help you make the decision.
1. The UGG Classic boots are always your first choice.
The best selling and most popular boots are UGG5815, UGG5825 and UGG5803, those boots are the legendary "UGG Classic". The UGG Classic are endure look, there are popular for a long time, like classic pattern of Converse and Jean, these boots will be long remembered and never disappeared, no matter how times change.
2. Choose different boots in different season.
The UGG Classic Cardy is made by cashmere, it's fit for wearing in spring, other boots made by sheepskin are more warmer, They may be better for the cold winter. and the comfortable, easy-going knit boots are made of soft, breathable wool blend year round wear. Light weight outsole slot in sunny beach, to the street or ice stability, soft sheepskin offers a comfortable environment, in the summer and winter.
3. Select the best Color for you.
There are several advices for the color selection.
1) The chestnut is looks more beautiful then grey. you always use dark ugg color for winter season.if you want tall UGG boots then I will prefer you to purchase chestnut as they are also prettier.
2) Ask your friends around you and get one, it's so simple. They have a classic range to select from. Check them out at UGG australia first and then get them from the
store available in your city.
3) The chestnut and black shoes available in all sizes at UGG boots. Especially the new chestnut and ugg color are lovely and go with about every style and outfit.
4. Who wear?
For men, men often go out for work frequently,therefore if you bought a cozy ugg boots for your husband,they might think this discount ugg boots would be a support of you. Why not express your love to him by a pair of men ugg boots,such as ugg slippers,or bailey button ugg boots......
For women, unlike men,ugg boots for women have a lot of style,such as ugg bailey button boots,ugg cardy boots,often cheap on sale ugg boots design for women. If you prefer a lace-up women's ugg boots on sale make your ugg boots Australia little different with others discount ugg boots,there are variety ugg boots color for your choose,black ugg classic cardy,grey ugg mayfaire.
For kids,Children are the core of the family,in badly condition ugg boots can benefit children more,ugg bailey button kids is a good option to show your care to you kids.ugg kids boots,if your child is a active on in winter.
4. Buy from where?
I don't think the office UGG Australia is best choice where you get your boots, they are too expensive, many other store
will have discount for this boots, how ever, when you type "UGG" in Google search, you will find thousands of online web shops sell UGG boots, most them may be fake, if you are good luck, may be you can get your original UGG boots with a low price.
5. Summary
I also a big fan of UGG boots, I wish every UGG buyer will enjoy these boots.
The information on this site is for informational purposes only. I am in no way connected with UGG Australia and can not be help responsible for any purchases made on the basis of this information.
You also can get this article at:www.ugg-boots-sales..
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